News & Events
“Into the Woods” Musical
St. Michael’s School is a small school with a big emphasis on educating the whole child – balancing a rigorous curriculum with a daily infusion of...
Spelling Bee Champ in the news!
8th grader Riley Egan represented St. Michael's a-d-m-i-r-a-b-l-y in today's Pima County Spelling Bee, surviving through seven rounds of the...
MLK Day of Service
Students grades six, seven, and eight spread themselves across Tucson at nine different nonprofit organizations. St. Michael's says the nine...
Declamation Day Renamed
Following his death last fall, our Declamation Day event was renamed as "The Alan Schultz Memorial Declamation Day Competition" in Alan’s honor as a...
Annual Declamation Day
Cras sed urna tortor. Cras quis nisl ut est varius malesuada non vitae nibh. Nulla efficitur tristique velit, pharetra fringilla nibh. In dictum mi...
Fine Arts Night
Ut congue orci quis quam aliquet, non porttitor ante rhoncus. Nullam quis rhoncus erat. Vivamus at semper urna. Mauris eu pretium nisi. Integer ut...
Field Day Fun
Vivamus leo turpis, porttitor a blandit id, luctus id arcu. Nullam ac purus hendrerit, blandit enim vitae, efficitur quam. Curabitur...
Annual Musical
Donec et quam nec libero elementum fermentum. Nulla et tortor ac orci dignissim faucibus. Curabitur ut turpis a nulla cursus...
Sabino Canyon Adventure
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut lobortis, nisi in vestibulum euismod, metus neque tempus augue,...
Mathcounts Competition
In placerat nunc nec tortor sodales eleifend. Phasellus posuere mollis laoreet. In ut tempus ipsum, at semper ligula. Nunc varius, purus...
Eighth Grade Community Service
In ut malesuada leo. Cras lorem massa, pulvinar non massa vel, finibus dictum sapien. Donec eu faucibus diam. Etiam aliquam...
(Still building framework, notes below)
The BLOG MODULE automatically displays 3 entries per row and it doesn’t have the option to scroll. I don’t think you can change the amount of columns. You can specify how many posts per “page”. I have it set to 100. If you set it to lower you will get “Older Entries” navigation on the bottom of the page. Under the “Content -> Elements” we can turn the following on and off: pagination for a “News” page, date, show image, show excerpt etc. You can tell it what category or categories to display under “Content – Content to Display”. The Date Data is coming from the Published Date Field from the post. If you leave the excerpt field blank in the post then the excerpt used on the news page will automatically come from body copy and seems to be capped at 37 words. Not sure if this 37 word limit can be edited somewhere. If you use the excerpt field in the post, then that will be shown instead. I am setting up so we don’t use the excerpt field because it simplifies the process when creating a post and is one less step to complete. If you don’t want a post to show you can set it to “draft” OR set the category to uncategorized.